JB Red Batten Receives CCPI Verification

Marley JB Red batten with CCPI logo


Marley’s JB Red Batten has become one of the first construction products to achieve verification with the new Code for Construction Product Information (CCPI).

Developed following the Hackett review into building regulations and fire safety, the CCPI is backed with industry support, and aims to change the way construction product manufacturers manage and provide information on products.

The third-party verification means that users of a specific product can have confidence that it has been fully assessed across a series of eleven clauses. They include the internal product information sign off process, removal of misleading or ambiguous wording in product descriptions, availability of documentation to support specific product claims, and a robust and ongoing training programme to ensure product knowledge is only relayed by competent personnel.

Dan Weait has lead Marley through the process of CCPI verification.

“We are delighted that the JB Red Batten has been verified to carry the CCPI mark. Marley is an early adopter and supportive of the construction industry’s efforts to ensure transparent product information is available across the supply chain to help specifiers and product users make better informed and accurate decisions.

“Safety and compliance are critical factors as highlighted in the Hackett review and Marley is committed to playing its part and sharing correct product information with the market, that has also been independently assessed by an external body.”