Risk free with a single source manufacturer
Stuart Nicholson, Roof Systems Director at Marley, says that working with a single source roofing manufacturer, who understands the Part L regulations changes, can help mitigate risk in a changing regulatory landscape.
Changes to Part L of the Building Regulations have been implemented so that new homes produce 31% lower carbon emissions. It is the precursor to 2025’s Future Homes Standard (FHS) which will demand that new homes are specified and constructed to be energy efficient, use low carbon heating solutions, and be zero carbon ready.
Against this changing landscape, housing associations looking to deliver a proactive strategy of housing refurbishment, retrofit upgrades or capital investment, need to be mindful of their ongoing responsibilities. It is also important the supply chain they use provides reassurance and easy access to the range of solutions needed to meet energy efficiency, safety and performance standards.
This is because improvement in energy efficiency (and lower carbon emissions) cannot simply be delivered by enhancing the building fabric solely. In the short term, solar PV on the roofscape, combined with an efficient gas boiler, appears to be one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways for housing associations to meet the Part L carbon reduction targets.
PV technology is tried and tested, readily available and has become much more affordable in recent times. For housing associations, the latest integrated PV roof systems, such as Marley SolarTile®, offer a more visually appealing, cost effective, and easier to install option. Replacing a section of roof tiles, integrated solutions provide a sleek aesthetic and function as a seamless part of the overall roof.
While the risk of an electrical fire caused by solar PV is extremely low, nonetheless safety must be a primary concern. ArcBox has been designed to further enhance safety standards across all types of solar installations.
Independently verified by the KIWA fire test laboratory and Loughborough University, ArcBox is part of Marley’s comprehensive full roof system, underpinned by a 15-year guarantee. It is suitable for solar projects in both domestic and commercial settings such as schools, hospitals or care homes and building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) solar projects, or any building where DC cabling must be installed in the vicinity of roofing made of combustible materials.
Renewable technology solar PV systems are here to stay. They will be a critical component leading the transformation of buildings and homes into more sustainable energy efficient and low carbon places in which to live, work and connect.
For ultimate peace of mind, housing associations should seek to specify a fully evaluated complete roof system. Marley’s full roof system includes JB Red battens, underlay, tiles or slates, fixings, accessories, SolarTile® and the newly launched ArcBox solar enclosure.
The full roof system is backed by a 15-year warranty and ensures every roof is fully compatible with all current regulations, including fire safety, and reduces the risk of inferior product substitution that can compromise roof performance.
By selecting a fully integrated roofing system from a single source; one that includes a high performing solar PV solution and safety components such as ArcBox, housing association can be sure they are supporting strong sustainability outcomes and proven safety assurance at the same time.
Changes to Part L of the Building Regulations have been implemented so that new homes produce 31% lower carbon emissions. It is the precursor to 2025’s Future Homes Standard (FHS) which will demand that new homes are specified and constructed to be energy efficient, use low carbon heating solutions, and be zero carbon ready.
Against this changing landscape, housing associations looking to deliver a proactive strategy of housing refurbishment, retrofit upgrades or capital investment, need to be mindful of their ongoing responsibilities. It is also important the supply chain they use provides reassurance and easy access to the range of solutions needed to meet energy efficiency, safety and performance standards.
Renewable solutions
High performing and sustainable roofing solutions can make a real contribution to creating sustainable homes and ensure compliance with Part L regulations.This is because improvement in energy efficiency (and lower carbon emissions) cannot simply be delivered by enhancing the building fabric solely. In the short term, solar PV on the roofscape, combined with an efficient gas boiler, appears to be one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways for housing associations to meet the Part L carbon reduction targets.
PV technology is tried and tested, readily available and has become much more affordable in recent times. For housing associations, the latest integrated PV roof systems, such as Marley SolarTile®, offer a more visually appealing, cost effective, and easier to install option. Replacing a section of roof tiles, integrated solutions provide a sleek aesthetic and function as a seamless part of the overall roof.
Safety first with ArcBox
To support the integrated solar panel roof offering, Marley has further expanded its SolarTile® offering with the launch of its solar connector enclosure, ArcBox.While the risk of an electrical fire caused by solar PV is extremely low, nonetheless safety must be a primary concern. ArcBox has been designed to further enhance safety standards across all types of solar installations.
Independently verified by the KIWA fire test laboratory and Loughborough University, ArcBox is part of Marley’s comprehensive full roof system, underpinned by a 15-year guarantee. It is suitable for solar projects in both domestic and commercial settings such as schools, hospitals or care homes and building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) solar projects, or any building where DC cabling must be installed in the vicinity of roofing made of combustible materials.
Renewable technology solar PV systems are here to stay. They will be a critical component leading the transformation of buildings and homes into more sustainable energy efficient and low carbon places in which to live, work and connect.
Single source strategy
Part L and FHS are regulatory reality checks for housing associations looking to create the type of homes needed, as well as satisfying the legislative requirement to remain compliant with the new emission targets going forward.For ultimate peace of mind, housing associations should seek to specify a fully evaluated complete roof system. Marley’s full roof system includes JB Red battens, underlay, tiles or slates, fixings, accessories, SolarTile® and the newly launched ArcBox solar enclosure.
The full roof system is backed by a 15-year warranty and ensures every roof is fully compatible with all current regulations, including fire safety, and reduces the risk of inferior product substitution that can compromise roof performance.
By selecting a fully integrated roofing system from a single source; one that includes a high performing solar PV solution and safety components such as ArcBox, housing association can be sure they are supporting strong sustainability outcomes and proven safety assurance at the same time.
Category: Roofing Solar Sustainability